Program 65 - CSU1128 - CSE 2026 - Shoolini University

Program to demonstrate the macro by finding the cube of the value entered by the user


The program demonstrates the use of macros in C by calculating the cube of a value entered by the user using the f(x) macro.


The code begins with including the standard input-output header file using #include <stdio.h> and defining the f(x) macro.

Macro Definition

The program defines a macro f(x) to calculate the cube of a number:

  • #define f(x) x * x * x: Defines the macro which takes one parameter x and returns its cube.

Variable Declaration

The main() function is defined, and a variable is declared:

  • int x;: Variable to hold the value entered by the user.

Program Description

The program prints a description message for the user to understand its functionality.

User Input

The user is prompted to enter the value of x:

  • printf("Enter a value for x: ");: Prompts the user to enter the value of x.
  • scanf("%d", &x);: Reads the value entered by the user and stores it in x.

Calculate Cube

The program calculates the cube of the value using the f(x) macro:

  • int result = f(x);: Calls the f(x) macro with x as the argument and stores the result in result.

Output Result

The program prints the cube of the value:

  • printf("f(%d) = %d\n", x, result);: Prints the value of x and its cube result.

Program End

The program ends with return 0; to indicate successful execution.


 * -----------------------------------------------------------
 * Logic Building with Computer Programming (CSU1128)
 * Instructor: Dr. Pankaj Vaidya | Author: Divya Mohan
 * This code is a part of the educational initiative by
 * with aim of empowering and inspiring learners in the field of
 * Computer Science and Engineering through the respective courses.
 * (c) 2022, Divya Mohan for All rights reserved.
 * -----------------------------------------------------------

#include <stdio.h>
#define f(x) x * x * x
int main()
    int x;

    printf("\n\n Program to demonstrate the macro by finding the cube of the value entered by the user. \n\n");

    printf("Enter a value for x: ");
    scanf("%d", &x);

    // Use the macro f(x) to calculate x*x
    int result = f(x);

    printf("f(%d) = %d\n", x, result);

    return 0;


Program to demonstrate the macro by finding the cube of the value entered by the user.

Enter the value for x: 5
f(5) = 125