Frequency Division Multiplexing Uncovered - CSU1289 - Shoolini U

Frequency Division Multiplexing

Deciphering the Symphony of Frequencies: An Abridged Score

This executive summary unveils the essence of our comprehensive study into Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM) and Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA), providing a high-level view into the fascinating orchestration of multiple signals in a single communication medium. We explore the basic concept of multiplexing, its significance, and the unique role of FDM as a conductor directing the symphony of signals within a shared bandwidth. We demystify how FDM creates individual lanes within the spectrum highway for each signal to travel unimpeded, facilitating efficient communication over a single medium.

Delving deeper, we unravel FDMA, a specialized derivative of FDM, adapted for simultaneous data transmission from multiple users without interference. By allocating dedicated frequency bands to each user within the shared bandwidth, FDMA ensures an uninterrupted, personalized communication experience for all.

From radio broadcasting to satellite communication, these ingenious techniques fuel our everyday communication infrastructure, making them indispensable in the digital electronics sphere. Further, the article provides a practical glimpse into the FDM process with a simplified C++ code implementation, underlining its real-world relevance and application.

This condensed tour through FDM and FDMA serves as your express ticket to grasp the fundamentals of these critical digital communication strategies. However, it's just the overture to the captivating symphony that awaits in the comprehensive article. Dive in to embrace the rhythm of frequencies and discover how they shape our interconnected digital world.

1. Introduction to Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM)

Imagine you're hosting a dinner party and there are various discussions happening at the same time. You, as the host, are trying to participate in all of them. One way to achieve this would be to divide your attention, but then you would not fully understand any conversation. An effective solution could be having separate rooms for each conversation, allowing you to fully engage in one discussion before moving to the next. This scenario mirrors the concept of Frequency Division Multiplexing in digital electronics. Here, instead of conversations, we have signals, and instead of rooms, we have frequency bands.

Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM) is a technique that allows multiple signals to share a common medium, such as a cable or a band of the electromagnetic spectrum, without interfering with each other. This is achieved by assigning each signal a unique frequency range or "channel" within the larger bandwidth. FDM plays a pivotal role in communication systems, including radio and television broadcasting, telephone networks, and satellite communication.

2. Understanding Frequency Division Multiplexing

Picture a highway with multiple lanes. Each lane can accommodate a vehicle, and the vehicles can travel simultaneously without interfering with each other. This is the basic principle behind FDM: different signals, analogous to vehicles, travel simultaneously within different frequencies, or "lanes," without interference.

Consider an analog signal $s(t)$ which carries $n$ sub-signals. The FDM process can be broken down into a few steps: Each sub-signal is modulated with a carrier frequency, producing $n$ modulated signals. These signals are then combined into one composite signal for transmission. The receiver, on the other hand, performs the inverse operation: it decomposes the received composite signal, demodulates the individual signals, and recovers the original sub-signals.

Mathematically, we can represent this process as follows:

$S(t) = \sum_{i=1}^{n} s_i(t)\cos(2\pi f_i t)$

where $S(t)$ is the composite signal, $s_i(t)$ are the individual sub-signals, and $f_i$ are their respective carrier frequencies.

3. Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA)

FDMA is a channel access method used in multiple-access protocols as a channelization protocol. It is based on the concept of Frequency Division Multiplexing, but with a focus on dividing the frequency band into distinct channels to accommodate multiple users. Each user of the channel owns a unique frequency band during the period of communication. This mechanism prevents users from interfering with each other, much like separate lanes on a highway prevent cars from colliding. However, unlike a highway, the division is not static. The frequency bands can be reassigned depending upon the communication requirements.

FDMA, despite being a relatively older technology, has found extensive usage in satellite communication, broadcast radio, first generation cellular telephony, and in telephone networks. The main reason for its widespread use is its simplicity and robustness.

4. The Differences between FDM and FDMA

Though FDM and FDMA are based on the same fundamental principle of dividing the available bandwidth into multiple frequency bands, they serve different purposes and have unique characteristics. Understanding the differences between them is crucial for designing and analyzing communication systems.

FDM is primarily a multiplexing technique used to combine multiple signals for transmission over a single communication medium, while FDMA is a multiple access method that enables several users to share the same frequency band without interference.

One of the major differences between FDM and FDMA is the allocation of frequency bands. In FDM, once the bands are assigned, they remain fixed. In contrast, FDMA allows dynamic reallocation of bands based on users' communication needs.

Another distinction lies in the frequency gaps, or "guard bands," between channels. FDM requires guard bands to avoid overlap and interference between signals, while FDMA, with sophisticated technology and precise frequency control, can operate with reduced or even without guard bands.

5. Applications of FDM and FDMA

FDM and FDMA have numerous applications in various fields of communication technology. Here are some of the primary ones:

Radio and Television Broadcasting: FDM allows multiple radio stations to broadcast simultaneously over different frequency bands. Similarly, in television broadcasting, FDM enables the simultaneous transmission of audio, video, and data signals.

Telephone Networks: FDM is used in telephone networks to transmit multiple telephone calls over the same medium, be it a cable or a wireless link. FDMA, on the other hand, allows multiple users to make calls at the same time using the same frequency band.

Satellite Communication: In satellite communication, FDMA allows multiple ground stations to communicate with a satellite without interfering with each other. Each ground station is allocated a unique frequency band within the satellite's bandwidth.

6. Implementation of FDM in C++

Let's delve into the implementation part. We'll take a simplified case where we're dealing with sine waves as our signals. We'll combine two signals with different frequencies, mimicking the concept of Frequency Division Multiplexing, and then decompose the combined signal to retrieve the original signals. This is a simplification of the FDM process, but it provides a clear understanding of the basic principle.

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>

// Function to create a signal with given frequency
std::vector<double> createSignal(int freq, int time){
    std::vector<double> signal(time);
    for(int i = 0; i < time; i++){
        signal[i] = sin(2 * M_PI * freq * i);
    return signal;

// Function to combine two signals
std::vector<double> combineSignals(const std::vector<double>& signal1, const std::vector<double>& signal2){
    std::vector<double> combinedSignal(signal1.size());
    for(int i = 0; i < signal1.size(); i++){
        combinedSignal[i] = signal1[i] + signal2[i];
    return combinedSignal;

// Function to decompose a combined signal
std::pair<std::vector<double>, std::vector<double>> decomposeSignals(const std::vector<double>& combinedSignal, int freq1, int freq2, int time){
    std::vector<double> signal1(time), signal2(time);
    for(int i = 0; i < time; i++){
        signal1[i] = combinedSignal[i] * sin(2 * M_PI * freq1 * i);
        signal2[i] = combinedSignal[i] * sin(2 * M_PI * freq2 * i);
    return std::make_pair(signal1, signal2);

int main(){
    int freq1 = 5; // Frequency of first signal
    int freq2 = 10; // Frequency of second signal
    int time = 100; // Time period

    // Create two signals
    std::vector<double> signal1 = createSignal(freq1, time);
    std::vector<double> signal2 = createSignal(freq2, time);

    // Combine the two signals
    std::vector<double> combinedSignal = combineSignals(signal1, signal2);

    // Decompose the combined signal
    std::pair<std::vector<double>, std::vector<double>> decomposedSignals = decomposeSignals(combinedSignal, freq1, freq2, time);

    // Print the original and decomposed signals for comparison
    for(int i = 0; i < time; i++){
        std::cout << signal1[i] << ", " << signal2[i] << ", " << decomposedSignals.first[i] << ", " << decomposedSignals.second[i] << std::endl;

    return 0;

This C++ code provides a rudimentary, yet illustrative, example of how FDM can be implemented. The process can be extended and made more complex to handle more signals and various types of signals.

7. Paving the Path towards the World of Light

As we conclude our journey through the lanes of the electromagnetic spectrum with FDM and FDMA, we hope to have illuminated the fascinating world of digital communications. Whether you are a novice just stepping into this realm or an experienced professional brushing up on foundational concepts, we trust this comprehensive exploration has proven insightful and engaging. But this is merely the prelude of a captivating symphony, the undercurrent of a more encompassing stream.

In our upcoming exploration (a riveting sequel to this piece), we will dive into the world of Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) and its unique realm of Wavelength Division Multiple Access (WDMA). There, we'll discover how these techniques ingeniously manipulate light's wavelength to transmit multiple signals over a single fiber-optic cable. So, prepare yourself for a mesmerizing journey through light, where frequency meets wavelength in the high-speed expressway of digital communication!