1. First Virus (1971)
The Creeper virus was the first known virus, created as an experiment by Bob Thomas.
2. First Anti-Virus Software (1971)
The Reaper was the first antivirus program, designed to remove the Creeper virus.
3. First Noted Ethical Hacker (1970s)
John Draper, also known as Captain Crunch, was one of the first individuals to hack phone systems using a toy whistle.
4. First Notable Worm (1988)
The Morris Worm, created by Robert Tappan Morris, became the first self-replicating worm to spread through the Internet.
5. First Government-Sponsored Hacking Group (1990)
The US government created the National Computer Security Center (NCSC) as the first organized hacking group focused on cybersecurity.
6. First Hacker Arrest (1983)
Kevin Poulsen was the first hacker to be arrested, known for exploiting phone systems to win radio contests.
7. First Online Banking Hack (1994)
Vladimir Levin executed the first known online banking hack, stealing $10 million from Citibank accounts.
8. First Use of the Term "Ethical Hacking" (1995)
IBM introduced the term "Ethical Hacking" when offering its first professional services in this domain.
9. First Large-Scale Denial of Service (DoS) Attack (1999)
A massive DoS attack was first reported against the University of Minnesota in 1999.
10. First Bug Bounty Program (1995)
Netscape launched the first bug bounty program, incentivizing security experts to find and report vulnerabilities.
11. First Public Hacker Conference (1993)
The first DEF CON hacking convention was held in Las Vegas, becoming an annual event and one of the largest conferences globally.
12. First Computer Crime Law (1986)
The US government passed the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) to address hacking and cybercrime.
13. First Notable Email Virus (1999)
The Melissa virus was the first email virus to spread on a global scale via Microsoft Outlook.
14. First Commercial Spyware (2000)
LOVESOFT became the first company to introduce commercially available spyware for tracking user activity.
15. First Cyberwarfare Act (2007)
The Estonia cyber-attacks in 2007 were the first known instances of state-sponsored cyber warfare against a country.
16. First Large-Scale Ransomware (2005)
The Gpcode ransomware targeted individual users and encrypted their data in exchange for ransom, marking the first widespread ransomware attack.
17. First Zero-Day Exploit (2002)
Microsoft was the first major company to publicly report and address a zero-day vulnerability in its software.
18. First Android Malware (2010)
The DroidDream malware gained attention as the first known Android-specific malware.
19. First Smartphone Virus (2004)
The Cabir virus was the first virus to infect mobile phones, spreading via Bluetooth connections.
20. First Cloud Security Attack (2009)
The Google Aurora attack was one of the first major breaches targeting cloud infrastructure.
21. First Hacktivism Campaign (1998)
Cult of the Dead Cow launched the first hacktivism campaign, which sought to promote human rights and free speech through hacking.
22. First Recorded Phishing Attack (1996)
A group called AOHell carried out the first notable phishing attack on America Online (AOL) users.
23. First Social Engineering Attack (1990)
Kevin Mitnick used social engineering techniques to manipulate individuals into revealing confidential information.
24. First Hacking Movie (1983)
The movie WarGames was the first major film to popularize hacking, introducing the concept to a wide audience.
25. First Ethical Hacking Certification (2003)
The Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) certification was launched by EC-Council, the first globally recognized ethical hacking certification.
26. First SQL Injection Attack (1998)
Jeff Forristal discovered and documented the first SQL injection attack.
27. First Notable DDoS Attack (2000)
A Canadian teenager, known as Mafiaboy, launched one of the first major DDoS attacks, taking down large websites such as Yahoo and CNN.
28. First Botnet Discovered (2001)
The EarthLink Spammer was the first known botnet, designed to send out mass spam emails.
29. First Public Vulnerability Disclosure (2000)
The hacker known as RainForest Puppy published the first public responsible vulnerability disclosure guidelines.
30. First Online Currency Theft (2013)
The hack of the Mt. Gox exchange led to the first significant Bitcoin theft, with over $450 million stolen.
31. First Government Cybersecurity Conference (1997)
The G8 Summit addressed cybersecurity concerns for the first time as part of global discussions.
32. First IoT Device Attack (2016)
The Mirai botnet conducted the first large-scale attack on IoT devices, leading to widespread internet outages.
33. First ATM Malware (2007)
The Skimer malware was the first to specifically target ATMs, allowing criminals to extract cash without cards.
34. First Hacking for Political Influence (2016)
The Democratic National Committee (DNC) hack during the US elections was the first widely acknowledged case of hacking for political purposes.
35. First Exploit Kit (2006)
The WebAttacker kit was one of the first exploit kits sold on the dark web, enabling mass cyber-attacks.
36. First AI-Generated Cyber Threat (2017)
An AI-powered malware prototype was demonstrated at the Black Hat conference, marking the first known AI-assisted cyber threat.
37. First Data Breach Regulation (2016)
The European Union introduced the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), requiring companies to report data breaches.
38. First Major Whistleblower Leak (1972)
Daniel Ellsberg leaked the Pentagon Papers, considered one of the earliest forms of whistleblower activity.
39. First Mobile Payment Hack (2012)
The first major breach of a mobile payment system occurred with Square in 2012.
40. First Cybersecurity Framework (2014)
The NIST Cybersecurity Framework was introduced as the first standardized framework for securing critical infrastructure.
41. First Smart Contract Hack (2016)
The DAO Attack was the first major hack targeting blockchain-based smart contracts, resulting in a $60 million theft.
42. First Malware-as-a-Service (MaaS) (2010)
The Zeus Trojan was the first malware offered as a service for purchase on the dark web.
43. First Government Cybersecurity Agency (2009)
The US established the US Cyber Command, the first military unit dedicated to defending against cyber threats.
44. First Car Hacking Incident (2010)
Researchers demonstrated the first known instance of car hacking at a Black Hat conference, accessing vehicle systems remotely.
45. First Large-Scale Surveillance Leak (2013)
Edward Snowden leaked documents revealing the NSA’s PRISM program, marking the first large-scale surveillance leak.
46. First Legal Hacker Marketplace (2013)
HackerOne launched the first official hacker-powered security platform, enabling companies to crowdsource security testing.
47. First Cryptocurrency Mining Malware (2011)
The Bitcoin Plus Trojan was the first malware designed to mine cryptocurrency from infected devices.
48. First Ransomware Targeting Healthcare (2016)
The Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center was one of the first hospitals hit by ransomware, paying $17,000 to recover their systems.
49. First AI-Powered Cyber Defense Tool (2015)
Darktrace launched the first commercial AI-driven cyber defense platform, using machine learning to detect threats in real time.
50. First International Cybercrime Treaty (2001)
The Budapest Convention was signed as the first international treaty addressing cybercrime across borders.
51. First Cybersecurity Awareness Month (2004)
The National Cyber Security Awareness Month was launched in the US to promote online safety and security.
52. First Online Stock Trading Hack (1999)
The E*Trade website experienced one of the first known hacks targeting online stock trading platforms.
53. First Government-Sponsored Bug Bounty Program (2016)
The US Department of Defense launched Hack the Pentagon, the first government-sponsored bug bounty program.
54. First Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Botnet (2000)
The Trinoo network was the first large-scale DDoS botnet used in cyber-attacks.
55. First Social Media Hack (2009)
Twitter was the first social media platform to experience a major hack, where 33 high-profile accounts were compromised.
56. First Worm Targeting Industrial Systems (2010)
The Stuxnet worm was the first malware designed to target industrial systems, particularly Iran's nuclear facilities.
57. First Hacking Incident Involving Cryptocurrency Exchange (2014)
The Mt. Gox hack was the first widely publicized attack on a cryptocurrency exchange, leading to a loss of $450 million in Bitcoin.
58. First Website Defacement (1995)
A group of hackers called the Internet Liberation Front conducted the first-known website defacement, targeting the US Department of Justice.
59. First Biometric Hacking Incident (2005)
Researchers demonstrated the first hacking of biometric systems by fooling fingerprint scanners using fake fingerprints.
60. First Large-Scale Cyber Espionage Campaign (2009)
Operation Aurora, a cyber-espionage campaign originating from China, was the first large-scale attack on multiple corporations.
61. First Facebook Hack (2011)
Facebook experienced its first major hack when a vulnerability was exploited, allowing hackers to access user data.
62. First Use of a Hacking Tool in a Court Case (1997)
In the United States v. Morris case, the Morris Worm was the first hacking tool to be used as evidence in court.
63. First Malware Targeting Mac OS (2006)
Leap-A became the first virus to target Mac OS X, proving that Apple devices were not immune to malware.
64. First Spear Phishing Attack (2003)
The first recorded instance of a spear-phishing attack was conducted against employees of a large financial institution.
65. First Corporate Breach Due to Insider Threat (1999)
Omega Engineering experienced the first documented corporate breach due to an insider threat, causing $10 million in damages.
66. First Use of Ransomware as a Service (RaaS) (2016)
Ransom32 became the first ransomware available as a service for criminals to purchase on the dark web.
67. First Google Play Store Malware (2013)
The BadNews malware was the first malicious app to be discovered on the Google Play Store.
68. First Phreaking Incident (1960s)
The first instance of phreaking (hacking phone systems) occurred when hackers discovered how to manipulate phone lines using tone frequencies.
69. First Large-Scale Breach of Medical Records (2015)
The breach of Anthem resulted in the first large-scale hacking attack targeting medical records, affecting 78 million individuals.
70. First Use of Malware to Influence Elections (2016)
The Russian DNC hack was the first known case of malware being used to influence a democratic election.
71. First Major ISP Hack (1996)
PAC Bell, a US internet service provider, was the first major ISP to experience a large-scale hack, compromising customer data.
72. First Major Cyber Espionage Against a Government (2008)
GhostNet, a large-scale cyber espionage network, was the first to specifically target government systems, including embassies worldwide.
73. First Use of the Dark Web for Cybercrime (2002)
The ShadowCrew group was the first to use the dark web to trade stolen credit card information and engage in cybercrime.
74. First Hacking of a Power Grid (2015)
The attack on Ukraine's power grid was the first confirmed hacking incident to disrupt a country's power supply.
75. First Major Android OS Vulnerability (2013)
The Master Key vulnerability was the first significant security flaw discovered in the Android operating system, affecting nearly 99% of devices.
76. First Use of Cryptocurrency for Ransom Payments (2014)
The CryptoLocker ransomware was the first to demand payment in Bitcoin for decrypting victims’ files.
77. First Known Hacktivist Group (1985)
Legion of Doom was one of the first hacktivist groups, with members involved in exploring and exploiting telecommunication systems.
78. First Use of a Computer Worm to Cause Physical Damage (2010)
Stuxnet was the first worm to cause physical damage, targeting Iran's nuclear centrifuges.
79. First Evidence of State-Sponsored Cyber Warfare (2007)
The cyber-attacks on Estonia in 2007 were the first acknowledged instances of state-sponsored cyber warfare.
80. First Bug Bounty Program from a Social Media Giant (2011)
Facebook introduced the first bug bounty program run by a social media giant, paying hackers for finding vulnerabilities.
81. First Documented Case of Cyberterrorism (1998)
The Solar Sunrise attack was one of the first documented cases of cyberterrorism, targeting US military systems.
82. First Hack of a Spacecraft (1998)
The Rosetta spacecraft experienced the first known hacking incident involving space technology.
83. First Use of AI in Cyber Defense (2015)
The introduction of Darktrace marked the first commercial use of AI in detecting cyber threats in real-time.
84. First Use of Quantum Computing in Hacking Research (2017)
Researchers demonstrated the first practical application of quantum computing in hacking cryptographic systems.
85. First Mobile Ransomware (2014)
Simplocker was the first ransomware to target mobile devices, encrypting files on Android phones.
86. First AI-Powered Phishing Campaign (2019)
The first AI-powered phishing campaign used machine learning to craft convincing phishing emails targeting individuals.
87. First Machine-Learning Driven Cyberattack (2018)
The first documented machine-learning-driven cyberattack was observed, where attackers used AI to predict and exploit vulnerabilities.
88. First Use of a 3D Printer for Hacking (2013)
Researchers demonstrated the first instance of using a 3D printer to hack by printing keys from photographs of locks.
89. First Malicious Use of AI for Data Breaches (2020)
In 2020, the first malicious use of AI algorithms was seen in large-scale data breaches, highlighting the threat AI could pose in future attacks.
90. First Cryptocurrency Regulation Breach (2021)
The Poly Network hack in 2021 was one of the first cryptocurrency platform hacks to violate regulations, with hackers exploiting cross-chain vulnerabilities.
91. First Biometric Payment Breach (2019)
In 2019, the first biometric payment system was breached, exposing vulnerabilities in the fingerprint payment system.
92. First Use of Deepfake Technology in Cyberattacks (2019)
In 2019, deepfake technology was used in a cyberattack to impersonate a CEO and steal $243,000 from a company.
93. First Military Drone Hack (2020)
In 2020, a military drone was hacked, marking the first known cyberattack on military drone systems.
94. First Zero-Trust Framework Adoption (2021)
In 2021, the US government adopted a Zero-Trust Cybersecurity Framework as a defense against increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks.
95. First Large-Scale Fake News Attack (2016)
The 2016 US elections were affected by the first large-scale fake news cyber campaigns aiming to influence political outcomes.
96. First Quantum-Resistant Algorithm Breakthrough (2020)
In 2020, researchers made the first significant breakthrough in developing quantum-resistant algorithms for cryptography.
97. First Major Cyberattack on a Healthcare Provider (2017)
The WannaCry ransomware attack in 2017 affected the UK's National Health Service, marking one of the first significant breaches in healthcare systems.
98. First Biometric Data Breach (2019)
The Suprema data breach in 2019 exposed over 27.8 million biometric records, marking the first major biometric data leak.
99. First Use of Blockchain for Cybersecurity (2018)
In 2018, companies began using blockchain technology for cybersecurity, particularly for securing identity and privacy.
100. First Major AI-Generated Fake Voice Scam (2019)
In 2019, an AI-generated fake voice was used to impersonate a CEO, leading to the first major voice phishing scam that resulted in financial loss.
101. First Attack on a Central Bank Using Malware (2016)
The Bangladesh Bank heist in 2016 was one of the first major attacks on a central bank involving malware, leading to a loss of $81 million.
102. First Hack of a Voting System (2004)
In 2004, researchers exposed the first vulnerability in electronic voting machines, leading to concerns over the security of digital voting systems.
103. First Use of Malware to Hijack Hardware Resources (2011)
The BitcoinMiner malware, discovered in 2011, was the first to hijack infected devices' hardware resources to mine cryptocurrency.
104. First Ransomware Targeting Critical Infrastructure (2021)
The Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack in 2021 marked the first significant ransomware attack on critical infrastructure in the US.
105. First Social Engineering Attack on a Government (2015)
The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) breach in 2015 involved a sophisticated social engineering attack, compromising millions of government employee records.
106. First Global Cyberattack on a Shipping Company (2017)
The NotPetya attack in 2017 targeted the global shipping giant Maersk, causing widespread disruption and financial loss.
107. First Hack of a Satellite (2007)
In 2007, hackers reportedly took control of a US Geological Survey satellite, marking the first known satellite hack.
108. First AI-Powered Ransomware (2021)
In 2021, a ransomware variant powered by AI was used to evade detection and automate attacks, marking the first AI-driven ransomware attack.
109. First Autonomous Vehicle Hacking (2019)
The first autonomous vehicle hack was reported in 2019, where researchers remotely took control of a Tesla Model 3.
110. First Use of Ransomware in Cyber Espionage (2020)
In 2020, ransomware was first used in a cyber espionage campaign, targeting government agencies and military contractors.
111. First Quantum Computing Hack Simulation (2020)
In 2020, researchers conducted the first simulation of a quantum computing-based hack on encrypted data systems.
112. First Hack of a Major Supply Chain (2020)
The SolarWinds hack in 2020 targeted a supply chain, compromising multiple government agencies and corporations globally.
113. First Use of AI to Generate Malware (2018)
Researchers demonstrated the first use of AI to automatically generate malware, which could adapt to evade detection.
114. First Use of Ransomware to Target Schools (2020)
In 2020, ransomware was used to target school districts across the US, leading to disruptions in online learning.
115. First Use of Hacking Tools in Space Exploration (2013)
The Curiosity Rover mission in 2013 used hacking tools to adjust the rover's software remotely, marking the first use of such tools in space exploration.
116. First Hack of a Power Plant (2016)
The Ukrainian power grid hack in 2016 was the first confirmed cyberattack to successfully take down a power plant's operations.
117. First AI-Generated Cybersecurity Breach Detection (2018)
In 2018, AI was first used to automatically detect breaches in cybersecurity systems, revolutionizing incident response.
118. First Hack of an Electric Car Charging Station (2021)
In 2021, researchers demonstrated the first hack of an electric car charging station, causing the system to malfunction.
119. First Government Directive on Cybersecurity (2017)
The US Executive Order on Cybersecurity was issued in 2017, marking the first government directive specifically focused on improving national cybersecurity defenses.
120. First Ransomware Attack on a News Organization (2021)
The Cox Media Group ransomware attack in 2021 was one of the first known cases of ransomware disrupting news broadcasting.