Data Modelling using ER Approach - CSU357 - Shoolini University

Data Modelling using ER Approach

Data Modelling using ER Approach

Data modelling is a crucial phase in the database design process, serving as a bridge between real-world scenarios and their representation within a database system. The Entity-Relationship (ER) approach, developed by Peter Chen in 1976, provides a graphical way to design and query database structures. By using the ER model, designers can conceptualize database structures in terms of entities, relationships, and attributes, making it easier to understand and communicate the design to others, including stakeholders with little to no technical background.

Overview of Database Design

Database design is the process of structuring a database, defining the schema to represent and store data. Effective database design involves understanding the business requirements thoroughly and then translating these requirements into a logical structure that can be implemented in a DBMS. This process includes several steps, from requirements collection and analysis to schema design and implementation. The ER model plays a pivotal role during the conceptual design phase, helping to visualize entities, their attributes, and relationships among them.

ER Model Basics

The ER model is founded on three basic concepts: entities, attributes, and relationships. An entity is anything about which data can be collected, such as a person, place, object, event, or concept. An attribute is a property or characteristic of an entity. A relationship represents how entities are associated with one another. The ER diagram is the graphical representation of these concepts, facilitating a better understanding and communication of the database structure.

Key Constraints

Key constraints are rules that help ensure data integrity by uniquely identifying entities in a database. The most common types of key constraints in an ER model are:


Cardinality specifies the number of instances of one entity that can or must be associated with each instance of another entity. Cardinality can be categorized into several types, such as one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many, each representing different levels of association between entities.

Ternary Relationships

Ternary relationships involve three entities and are used when a binary relationship cannot adequately represent the association between them. For example, a ternary relationship could represent a scenario where a Supplier supplies a Product to a Customer, requiring all three entities to fully describe the relationship.

Participation Constraints

Participation constraints specify whether the involvement of an entity in a relationship is optional or mandatory. There are two types: partial participation, where an entity does not have to be part of the relationship, and total participation, where an entity must be involved in the relationship.

Weak Entities

A weak entity is an entity that cannot be uniquely identified by its own attributes alone and thus depends on another (strong) entity for its identification. Weak entities are represented in ER diagrams by double rectangles and are associated with a strong entity via a total participation relationship.

'IS A' Hierarchies

'IS A' hierarchies, or inheritance in the ER model, allow entities to inherit attributes and relationships from other entities. This is used to represent specialisation and generalisation relationships, where a subclass entity inherits from a superclass entity, allowing for more efficient and organized data representation.


Aggregation is a concept in the ER model that allows for the abstraction of relationships into higher-level entities. This is useful in scenarios where relationships need to participate in other relationships, effectively treating a relationship as an entity.

Conceptual Design Using the ER Model

The conceptual design phase involves using the ER model to create a high-level, technology-agnostic representation of the database structure. This phase focuses on identifying the key entities, their attributes, and the relationships among them, forming the foundation for the logical and physical design phases that follow.

Entity vs Attribute

Deciding whether a concept should be modeled as an entity or an attribute is a common design decision in the ER model. Generally, if the concept has its own attributes or participates in relationships, it should be considered an entity. Otherwise, it can be modeled as an attribute of another entity.

Entity vs Relationship

The distinction between entities and relationships is crucial in the ER model. An entity represents a thing or concept, while a relationship represents how entities are related. This distinction helps in accurately modeling real-world scenarios and their data requirements.

Binary vs Ternary Relationship

Binary relationships involve two entities, and are the most common type of relationship in the ER model. Ternary relationships, on the other hand, involve three entities and are used when the relationship between any two entities depends on the third. The choice between using a binary or ternary relationship depends on the specific requirements of the scenario being modeled.