Network Interface Card - CSU359 - Shoolini University

Network Interace Card

1. Network Interface Card (NIC)

The Network Interface Card (NIC) is a hardware component that enables a computer to connect to a network. It acts as the interface between the computer and the network, facilitating communication by converting data into a form suitable for transmission. NICs are critical for both wired and wireless communication in modern networks.

1.1 Functions of a NIC

1.2 Types of NICs

NICs can be classified based on several criteria:

1.2.1 By Connection Type
1.2.2 By Interface

1.3 Key Components of a NIC

1.4 Working of a NIC

The NIC facilitates communication using the following steps:

  1. Receives data from the computer’s operating system.
  2. Encodes the data into packets using the TCP/IP protocol stack.
  3. Adds MAC address and other metadata for routing purposes.
  4. Transmits the data to the physical medium (e.g., Ethernet cable or Wi-Fi signal).
  5. Receives incoming data packets, verifies their integrity, and decodes them.
  6. Passes the data to the operating system for further processing.

1.5 Performance Metrics

The efficiency of a NIC can be evaluated using the following metrics:

1.6 Modern Developments in NICs

1.7 Practical Applications