1. What are Operators?
In programming, an operator is a symbol or keyword that tells the compiler or interpreter to perform a specific operation on data. These operations can range from simple arithmetic (like addition or subtraction) to more complex tasks like comparing values, logical decisions, or manipulating data structures. Operators act on operands (which are the values or variables involved in the operation).
1.1 Why Do We Need Operators?
Operators are essential because they allow us to manipulate data and control the flow of execution in a program. Without operators, we would have no way to perform actions like:
- Performing calculations: To compute sums, products, or any other mathematical expressions.
- Making decisions: By using comparison or logical operators, we can make decisions based on data, like determining if a user is logged in.
- Manipulating data: Operators help modify variables, access object properties, or perform actions like incrementing or decrementing values.
1.2 Types of Operators in JavaScript
JavaScript provides a wide variety of operators that can be grouped into different categories based on their functionality:
- Arithmetic Operators: Used for mathematical calculations.
(Modulus - Remainder)**
- Assignment Operators: Assign values to variables.
(Simple Assignment)+=
(Addition Assignment)-=
(Subtraction Assignment)*=
(Multiplication Assignment)/=
(Division Assignment)%=
(Modulus Assignment)
- Comparison Operators: Compare two values and return a boolean (true/false).
(Equal to)!=
(Not equal to)===
(Strictly equal)!==
(Strictly not equal)<
(Less than)>
(Greater than)<=
(Less than or equal)>=
(Greater than or equal)
- Logical Operators: Perform logical operations and return a boolean result.
(Logical AND)||
(Logical OR)!
(Logical NOT)
- Bitwise Operators: Perform bit-level operations on integers.
(Bitwise AND)|
(Bitwise OR)^
(Bitwise XOR)~
(Bitwise NOT)<<
(Bitwise Left Shift)>>
(Bitwise Right Shift)>>>
(Unsigned Right Shift)
- String Operators: Work with strings.
(Concatenation Assignment)
- Conditional (Ternary) Operator: A shorthand way of writing an if-else statement.
condition ? expr1 : expr2
- Type Operators: Used to check or convert the type of a value.
(Returns the type of a variable)instanceof
(Checks if an object is an instance of a class)
- Other Operators: These include operators that don’t fit into the above categories.
(Checks if a property exists in an object)delete
(Deletes a property from an object)void
(Discards an expression's return value)new
(Creates a new instance of an object)this
(Refers to the current object),
(Comma operator, used to separate multiple expressions)
1.3 What is Operator Precedence?
Operator precedence defines the order in which different operators in an expression are evaluated. When multiple operators appear in a single expression, precedence rules determine which operations are performed first. For example, in arithmetic, multiplication and division have higher precedence than addition and subtraction, meaning they are executed first.
1.3.1 Example of Operator Precedence
Consider the following expression:
let result = 5 + 2 * 3;
console.log(result); // Output: 11
In this case, the multiplication *
is evaluated before the addition +
because multiplication has higher precedence. Thus, 2 * 3
is evaluated first, and then 5 + 6
1.4 What is the Priority in Operator Precedence?
Each operator in JavaScript has a specific priority level, also known as its precedence. Operators with higher precedence are executed before operators with lower precedence. However, you can always use parentheses ()
to control the order of evaluation, ensuring that the parts of the expression you want to be executed first are evaluated first, regardless of the operator's default precedence.
1.4.1 Example of Changing Precedence with Parentheses
Consider this example:
let result = (5 + 2) * 3;
console.log(result); // Output: 21
By using parentheses, we force the addition to be evaluated first, changing the default operator precedence.
Now that we understand the concept of operators and their precedence, let’s move to a more detailed explanation of operator precedence in JavaScript.
2. Operator Precedence in JavaScript
Operator precedence determines the order in which operators are evaluated in expressions. JavaScript follows a specific set of rules to decide which operators are executed first when an expression contains more than one operator.
2.1 What is Operator Precedence?
Operator precedence controls the evaluation order of operators. Higher precedence operators are evaluated before lower precedence ones. Parentheses ()
can be used to override this default precedence.
2.1.1 Basic Precedence Example
Consider the following example:
let result = 3 + 4 * 5;
console.log(result); // Output: 23
In this case, the multiplication *
operator has higher precedence than the addition +
operator, so 4 * 5
is evaluated first, and then 3 + 20
2.2 Precedence Table
The following table lists common JavaScript operators from the highest to lowest precedence:
- 19:
(Grouping) - 18:
(with arguments) - 17:
(without arguments),++
(Postfix increment),--
(Postfix decrement) - 16:
(Logical NOT),++
(Prefix increment),--
(Prefix decrement) - 15:
- 14:
(Exponentiation) - 13:
(Multiplication, Division, Modulus) - 12:
(Addition, Subtraction) - 11:
(Bitwise Shift) - 10:
- 9:
- 8:
(Bitwise AND) - 7:
(Bitwise XOR) - 6:
(Bitwise OR) - 5:
(Logical AND) - 4:
(Logical OR) - 3:
(Conditional or Ternary) - 2:
(Assignment) - 1:
2.3 Associativity
Associativity defines how operators of the same precedence level are grouped in an expression. Operators can be either left-associative or right-associative:
- Left-Associative: Operators are evaluated from left to right.
- Right-Associative: Operators are evaluated from right to left.
2.3.1 Example: Left-Associative Operators
Consider addition:
let result = 5 - 2 + 3;
console.log(result); // Output: 6
Both -
and +
have the same precedence and are left-associative, so the expression is evaluated as (5 - 2) + 3
2.3.2 Example: Right-Associative Operators
Consider exponentiation:
let result = 2 ** 3 ** 2;
console.log(result); // Output: 512
The **
operator is right-associative, so the expression is evaluated as 2 ** (3 ** 2)
, or 2 ** 9
2.4 Operator Precedence and Parentheses
Parentheses can be used to change the default precedence order by grouping operations explicitly. This allows developers to override JavaScript's precedence rules.
2.4.1 Parentheses Example
Consider the following:
let result = (3 + 4) * 5;
console.log(result); // Output: 35
By using parentheses, we force 3 + 4
to be evaluated first, resulting in 7 * 5
instead of 3 + 20
3. Complete List of JavaScript Operators
Below is a detailed table that includes all the JavaScript operators, categorized by type, with descriptions and examples. The table is responsive using Bootstrap classes to ensure it displays well on all screen sizes.
Operator | Category | Description | Example |
() |
Grouping | Controls precedence by grouping expressions. | (3 + 4) * 5 |
. |
Member Access | Accesses a property or method of an object. | object.property |
[] |
Array Indexing | Accesses an element in an array by its index. | array[0] |
++ |
Increment | Increases a variable's value by 1. | x++ or ++x |
-- |
Decrement | Decreases a variable's value by 1. | x-- or --x |
+ |
Addition / Concatenation | Adds numbers or concatenates strings. | 5 + 3 or 'a' + 'b' |
- |
Subtraction | Subtracts the second operand from the first. | 8 - 5 |
* |
Multiplication | Multiplies the operands. | 4 * 5 |
/ |
Division | Divides the first operand by the second. | 20 / 5 |
% |
Modulus | Returns the remainder of division. | 10 % 3 // Output: 1 |
** |
Exponentiation | Raises the first operand to the power of the second. | 2 ** 3 // Output: 8 |
+= |
Addition Assignment | Adds the right operand to the left operand and assigns the result. | x += 5 |
- |
Subtraction Assignment | Subtracts the right operand from the left and assigns the result. | x -= 3 |
*= |
Multiplication Assignment | Multiplies and assigns the result. | x *= 4 |
/= |
Division Assignment | Divides and assigns the result. | x /= 2 |
%= |
Modulus Assignment | Assigns the remainder of division. | x %= 3 |
== |
Equality | Checks if two values are equal after type conversion. | 5 == '5' |
=== |
Strict Equality | Checks if two values are equal without type conversion. | 5 === 5 |
!= |
Inequality | Checks if two values are not equal after type conversion. | 5 != '6' |
!== |
Strict Inequality | Checks if two values are not equal without type conversion. | 5 !== '5' |
< |
Less Than | Checks if the first operand is less than the second. | 3 < 5 |
> |
Greater Than | Checks if the first operand is greater than the second. | 5 > 3 |
<= |
Less Than or Equal | Checks if the first operand is less than or equal to the second. | 3 <= 5 |
>= |
Greater Than or Equal | Checks if the first operand is greater than or equal to the second. | 5 >= 3 |
&& |
Logical AND | Returns true if both operands are true. | true && false |
|| |
Logical OR | Returns true if at least one operand is true. | true || false |
! |
Logical NOT | Negates a boolean value. | !true // Output: false |
?? |
Nullish Coalescing | Returns the right operand if the left operand is null or undefined. | null ?? 'default' |
?: |
Conditional (Ternary) | Evaluates a condition and returns one of two values. | x > 5 ? 'Yes' : 'No' |
typeof |
Type Operator | Returns the type of a variable or value. | typeof 5 // Output: 'number' |
instanceof |
Instance Operator | Checks if an object is an instance of a particular class. | obj instanceof Array |
delete |
Deletion Operator | Removes a property from an object. | delete obj.property |
void |
Void Operator | Returns undefined for an expression. | void(0) |
new |
Object Creation | Creates a new instance of a class or constructor function. | new Date() |
in |
Property Check | Checks if a property exists in an object. | 'name' in obj |
, |
Comma Operator | Evaluates each of its operands and returns the last one. | (a = 1, b = 2, a + b) // Output: 3 |