Introductory Lab - CSU953 - CSE 2026 - Shoolini University

1. Answer the following questions:

What do you mean by a web browser? What are the advantages of using various web browsers? Differentiate between http and https.


A web browser is an application software which is used for accessing the world wide web and allows you to find and view websites on the internet by providing an interface between the server and the client.

Advantages of using web browsers:
  1. It provides ability to view web app regardless of operating system and platform
  2. It provides user access to a web based system anywhere through internet connection by using valid credentials.
  3. It makes secure live data accessible from anywhere
  4. Reduces deployment costs and infrastructure

It uses port 80 for http and port 443 for https. Difference between them are:

# http https
1 http stands for Hypertext Markup Language https stands for Hypertext Markup Language Secure
2 http tramits data over port 80 https tramits data over port 443
3 http is an application layer protocol https is an transport layer protocol
4 http doesnt use SSL https uses SSL
5 http is mostly used for unsecured communications https is mostly used for secured communications
6 http does not use DS tag record https uses DS tag record