2. Write a few lines with the use of tags p, heading, bg-color, and title.
This file will write a few lines with the use of tags.
This file will write a few lines with the use of tags.
title: This gives the name of the page in the tab of the browser.
heading: This is a headeing tag used to create headings. There is 6 types of it namely h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6.
p: This is a paragraph tag used to create paragraph.
details: The details tag specifies additional details that the user can open and close on demand.
bg-color: bg-color is an inline style property which can be used to provide background color the the tag described with.
<!doctype html>
<title>CSU953 LAB 2 - CSE 2026</title>
<p style="background-color:grey">This is a paragraph with background color grey</p>
<summary>This is the summary of the content</summary>
<p>This is the details of the summary.</p>
This is a paragraph with background color grey
This is the details of the summary.